February 2025

Webinar: Pennsylvania’s Pet Protection Orders: A New Tool to Protect Families and Pets

Crisis Center North and the Keystone Link Coalition will host this virtual webinar to share the good news that Pennsylvania now has a pet protective order law and to summarize what this law means and its implications for human and humane services.

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May 2024

Crisis Center North twice honored with international awards

On May 3, 2024, Crisis Center North (CCN) received two international awards: President & CEO, Grace Coleman, was selected to receive the Purple Ribbon Lifetime Achievement Award and Joyce Lunz, CCN volunteer, was selected to receive the Purple Ribbon Volunteer of the Year Award.

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June 2023

In Memory of Penny (2007-2023), a Dog Who Saved Lives

Penny, the first domestic violence canine advocate in Allegheny County and the first shelter dog in the State to provide courtroom support to victims, died peacefully on Monday, June 26, at the elderly age of 16. Penny served as a trendsetter in the state, opening the doors for other canine advocates in courtrooms, and was recognized nationally for her work. In her career, she provided emotional support to countless victims with her calm demeanor, strong presence, and intuitive understanding of how to help those in need.

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October 2021

New services at CCN for domestic violence victims and their companion animals

Crisis Center North, in conjunction with CCN’s award-winning, nationally recognized PAWS for Empowerment animal advocacy program, has been selected as one of five national recipients of the Department of Justice’s Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) Emergency & Transitional Pet Shelter & Housing Assistance Grant Program.

Beginning October 2021, and continuing through September 2024, the three-year, $493,637 federal grant will offer CCN financial support for shelter and transitional housing and other assistance to DV survivors and their companion animals.

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May 2019

Eat, Drink, and Explore at Cocktails & Cuisine - May 17, 2019

The top chefs and spirit purveyors are gathering for an unforgettable evening! Foodies in the know have been supporting the year-round work of Crisis Center North for over a decade. Now, Cocktails & Cuisine features even more to share with your friends and families during a wonderful spring evening of grazing and sipping at The Woodlands.

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December 2018

Olivia's Story, a.k.a. How The Donors (Like You!) Saved Christmas

Olivia realized that she “didn’t know what normal was.”

She was so used to a relationship full of abuse that she did not know what a healthy relationship looked like anymore. Olivia realized she and her two young children needed a better life. So, she went to Crisis Center North for help, but she ended up finding more than she expected… Read more to learn Olivia’s story and How The Donors (Like You!) Saved Christmas, and how YOU can save another holiday season this year!

Donors like you make holiday miracles come true: Make a donation before Jan. 1, 2019, and your donation will be matched 10 percent!

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August 2018

Anna Belle Few: A CCN Founder Recalls the Early Years

Anna Belle Few, one of Crisis Center North’s Founding Mothers, recalls the early years of the now 40 year old Center she helped to create and shape.

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May 2018

Cocktails & Cuisine 2018

Cocktails & Cuisine 2018 will be held May 18 at the Woodlands Foundation! Attend THE foodie event of Spring and celebrate Crisis Center North’s 40th Birthday! Purchase your tickets today!

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November 2018

Celebrate 40 Years of CCN at the 2018 Annual Meeting!


This year marks the 40th Anniversary of Crisis Center North, and in those 40 years, the Center has served and provided more than 80,000 victims of domestic violence with free, life-saving advocacy, counseling, and educational services. Without the generous support of caring community members and groups, none of our client’s successes would have been possible. As such, we would like to cordially invite you to CCN’s 40th Annual Meeting on Nov. 14 from 6 to 9 pm, at the DoubleTree Cranberry, to commemorate the past and to look toward a brighter future for victims.

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November 2017

"Stories Coming Together" emphasizes LGBTQA+ community struggles.

On Nov. 27 at the New Hazlett Theater, CCN held the “Stories Coming Together” event, which emphasized the struggles and violence faced by members of the LGBTQA+ community in Pennsylvania and around the world.

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October 2017

CCN unveils new art exhibit

Introducing CCN’s new community art exhibit, Walking on Eggshells. Each eggshell in the display contains a quote from a victim, survivor, advocate, or community member capturing their response to domestic violence.

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October 2017

“Hearing the Whispers and Roars”

Crisis Center North and North Hills Art Center sponsored the “Hearing the Whispers and Roars” art event, October 13-29, as a part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Hearing the Whispers and Roars tells the stories of domestic violence survivors through the arts.

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September 2017

CCN undergoes office renovations

Crisis Center North would like to thank The Home Depot for its recent work to renovate part of our office space.

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